磁铁(磁吸玩具)商品所需ASTM F3458、16CFR1262测试标准详解
Amazon made a policy change in response to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) new Magnets Rule, which applies to a broad category of products including magnets used for jewelry, mental stimulation, or stress relief.However, please note that the CPSC’s new Magnet Rule does require applicable magnet products manufactured after October 21, 2022 to comply with the requirements found in 16 CFR part 1262. Compliance documentation for new inventory manufactured after October 21, 2022, showing compliance with the new rule, must be made ailable upon request.We advise you to acquire such documentation in the meantime. If you fail to provide it when requested, your inventory may be removed or destroyed per your Amazon services business solutions agreement or in accordance with your Automated Stranded Inventory settings.
1 公司名称
2 卖家/供应商编号
3 电子邮件地址
4 电话号码
5 您申请销售的 ASIN 列表
6 商品图片和手册(如适用)(图片应包含所有相关安全信息、合规性标记以及小零件和窒息危险警告)
7 您申请销售的 ASIN 的儿童商品证书 (CPC)
磁性16 CFR 1250 (ASTM F963-17)、ASTM F3458、16CFR1262、CPSIA(铅、邻苯二甲酸盐)和 16 CFR 1501.4,(Each magnet must he a flux index that is less than 50 kG2mm2)和小零件警告。
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